How to redeem V-Bucks gift cards on Fortnite mobile, Xbox and PlayStation

How to redeem V-Bucks gift cards on Fortnite mobile, Xbox and PlayStation

Fortnite V-Bucks are in-game premium currencies that players need to buy gaming items like skins, emotes, characters, gliders, and other things. Fortnite V-Bucks cards can be purchased from the Epic Games Store in exchange for real money. There are several other ways to get in-game currencies such as via microtransactions, or redeem codes. You can also purchase V-Bucks gift cards and then redeem them directly into your Fortnite account. This makes an excellent gift for Fortnite players when they’re bought as cards. So, here’s a step by step guide on how to redeem V-Bucks gift cards on Fortnite mobile, Xbox and PlayStation.

1. Go to the official website of Fortnite or open the game on your mobile if it’s already downloaded.

2. On the homepage, go to the Fortnite V-Bucks tab.

3. You will be redirected to a new page by Fortnite where you will see Redeem your V-Bucks card.

How to redeem V-Bucks gift cards on Fortnite mobile, Xbox and PlayStation

4. Tap on the Get Started.

5. Now, login to your Epic games account.

6. Once done, scratch off the back of your V-Bucks card and enter the code from your V-Bucks card in the given space.

7. Tap on Next and select the platform you want to redeem the V-Bucks.

8. Again click on Next and then tap on Confirm.

Note that this process only works for Redeeming V-Bucks on PC, Switch, or mobile devices. However, for Xbox and PlayStation, the process is slightly different. Here’s how you can redeem V-Bucks on Xbox or PlayStation

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